Becoming a Senior Course Rep

You can nominate yourself for the Senior Rep role by visiting


Join the team! As a Senior Rep, you'll work closely with the Student Voice Team at Undeb Bangor, staff in your School and College, other Senior Reps across the University, and of course the course reps who are working hard to represent their peers to make real positive changes to students' academic experience at Bangor University.

In addition to the usual Course Rep expectations (including attending training, attending course rep councils, gathering student feedback etc.), you will be expected to complete the following tasks: 

Term 1 (12 hours est.)

£150 bursary

  • Attend and co-chair all their schools SSC's each term. 
  • Run one focus group per term with students from their school. Additional funding available to run focus sessions. Creativity welcome. Could be developed into a social with insight element.
  • Attend one catch up meeting with student voice teams twice per term to discuss any themes emerging from engagement with students.
  • End of term briefing. 

Term 2 (12 hours est.)

£150 bursary

  • Attend and co-chair all school SSC's each term.
  • Run one focus group / engagement activity with reps from their school. Could be developed into a social with insight element. 
  • Sit on panel to decide Course Rep / SLTA winners.
  • Attend catch up meetings with student voice team twice per term. 
  • End of first term briefing (highlights and challenges).

Successful candidates will be students at their associated school and will work with the  Student Voice Team and elected sabbatical officers.

Whilst you will have extra resposibilities as a Senior Rep, you are not expected to: 

  • Help students with individual issues.
  • Undeb Bangor have dedicated staff members to provide academic advice to students and Bangor University have a whole team of staff to support students with housing, wellbeing, employability, disabilities and many other issues. 
  • If a student comes to you with an individual problem, you can signpost them to one of these services, or put them in touch with us if you're unsure. 
  • Whilst you will co-chair Staff Student Committee Meetings and may support other course reps if they have questions, you are not in charge of othyer reps and should not try to direct their work. If you have concers about another course rep, you should raise these concerns with the Student Voice Team. 

If you're interested in the role, we recommend you prepare a few words on why you'd be a good fit. Elections will be held following the Course Rep Training days in October. 

Claiming the Course Rep Bursary:

To claim your bursary at the end of each term, you need to write or film a video highlighting the additional responsibilities and tasks you have completed. 

Deadline for Semester 1 - 22nd January 2024.

Deadline for Semester 2 - 10th June 2024.

Please fill out the form HERE to claim the bursary. 

If you have any questions about the role, you can contact the Student Voice Team at or speak to your Director of Student Experience.